The gallery has been updated with various photos from the making of Seasons 1 – 3 of The Morning Show as well as episode stills.
Last night The Morning Show aired 3×08, entitled DNF, and what an episode! We learn through a heated debate between Chris & Yanko over abortion rights that Yanko had gone through the adoption process which was hard and didn’t work out for him. Later on when Yanko checks up on an injured Chris, she offers to let him babysit her daughter which she said may change his mind about adoption. It was a really sweet scene and was wonderful to get a little backstory on him.
“Strict Scrutiny” the 7th episode of Season 3 of The Morning Show aired and it was another Yanko-lite episode but it was great to see him again after a 2 episode absence. We also finally got the reveal of what his secret was – he has a specific preference in women which he awkwardly announces during a red carpet interview. We also got a nice short scene where Alex & Chris (and her husband) hang with Yanko because his date canceled on him, which Alex pointed out keeps happening. The gallery has been updated with screen captures from the episode.
Last night’s episode of The Morning Show was Yanko-lite but we had a great scene between Chris & Yanko where he advised her to not make the missteps he did in Season 2 with his own cancellation situation.
Nestor’s latest film, Clawfoot is set to premiere at the Newport Film Festival on October 14, 2023. You can view the schedule & purchase tickets at their site below.
#7 Yanko is Problematic Again
After his storyline in The Morning Show season 2 where he refused to take proper responsibility for using the culturally appropriative term “spirit animal” while on air, Yanko said the wrong thing at the wrong time once again. Yanko has become one of the most frustrating The Morning Show characters both for viewers and other characters with his ego and tendency to blame others instead of looking inward. In The Morning Show season 3, episode 3, he made things even worse during a staff meeting.
Mia and Stella organized the impromptu meeting with the entire The Morning Show crew to let them express their feelings about the leaked email and racial disparity at UBA. During the meeting, Yanko, who has some Cuban ancestry, said that “race is a fiction” that’s “being weaponized” when they’re really “all mutts.” When Alex said he was derailing the meeting for a spectacle, he said the real problem was “the wokeness.” This was not met well by other characters and may leave both viewers and his coworkers wondering when Yanko’s finally going to leave The Morning Show.
Last night episode 3 of The Morning Show entitled “White Noise” aired, and what an episode! It dealt with systemic racism at UBA after an email from chairman of the board Cybil was leaked where she made a comment about the hiring of Chris. An all-hands meeting to deal with the staff’s discontent led to Yanko getting on a soapbox much to the chagrin of the rest of the group, Nestor was on fire during this scene! The gallery has been updated with screen captures from the episode.
The third season of The Morning Show kicked off September 13th with the first two episodes of the season, and it did not disappoint! We were treated to a couple of great scenes featuring Nestor, especially a little scandalous one in episode 2. The question is – what could Yanko be hiding? The gallery has been updated with screen captures from both episodes.
CONVENTION UPDATE: Nestor confirmed on social media that he had to cancel his appearance due to filming his latest film, Motherland.